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Event Info

10:00AM - 5:00PM
29 Aug 2018
SNU Museum

Our annual event in Banská Bystrica is the Day for is modellers´day. It took place on the firmly fixed date on the 29th of August 2018 as the part of bigger event – celebrations of the 74th anniversary of SNU organized of SNU in the area of Pamätník SNP in Banská Bystrica. Event was visited by 10000 people thanks pleasant sunny weather without clouds.

It has been the sixth year of the day for modelers in Banka Bystrica. Spectators could see not only models of RC tanks but models of automobiles, lorries, heavy machines, drones, aeroplanes, with no difference of scale, too. Traditionally, dynamical shows of battles of RC tanks from the Second´s World War enjoy great popularity and are always spiced up with age sound effects and the pyrotechnical show.

Sound effects and pyrotechnics completed atmosphere from the battles of the Second´s World War in the ideal way.

You could have been witness of:

Meeting in the car park in front of Departmet store Kaufland at railway station

prezentácia prebehla vo vonkajšom areáli Múzea SNP, v priestore vyhradenom pre statické ukážky RC techniky. Prezentácia zahŕňala evidenciu účastníkov, rozdanie identifikačných čísel a lístkov na obed.

otvorenie Banskobystrického modelárskeho dňa a sprístupnenie statických ukážok techniky divákom

špeciálnou bola predvádzacia jazda RC tanku vyrobeného 3D tlačou - T-14 Armata a ručne vyrobeného vozidla TatraPan AMB 6x6.

pre každého účastníka bol k dispozícii guláš z vojenskej kuchyne a kofola s pivom bez obmedzení.

okrem iných sme predviedli aj štyri dynamické ukážky bojov RC tankov spolu so zvukovým a pyrotechnickým doprovodom.

Ending of event was originally planned at 4 PM but the event was moved until 5.30 PM due to the great audience´s interest. While we all said goodbye and packed, it was before 8 o´clock in the evening.

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